Saturday, August 22, 2015

Loss of Pet

Last night, I lost my Aldera. She was my little yellow bird. I am incredibly sad.
I knew something was wrong. She had lost a bunch of feathers and was at the bottom of the cage not moving. I got her out and placed her in a towel to help warm her up. She was barely breathing.
I began to cry.. Knowing what the inevitable would bring. She had her eyes closed up until the end.
At the end, she opened her eyes and looked at me as if to say goodbye. She took her last breath in my hands.
Every one cried.. Including my Grandson and daughter. That's saying something because she hardly ever shows emotion like that. We had a birdie funeral and buried her in the front yard under a tree.
Goodbye sweet Aldera. I miss you terribly. Fly home, my friend. Sing me a sweet song on your way. May we someday meet again...

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