Sunday, July 16, 2017

Wounded Soldiers continued

We have spoken of many defeats as soldiers but, have not mentioned the victories. Yes. We have had our share of those as well. 
Our faces turn from sadness to smiles when we see the places where we have been, and the silent vicotories we have witnessed. They may be small to some, but we do have some pride in the accomplishments we have made.
We have marched this field a long time. We have not lost our own life.. that of the body. We have been wounded, but we have learned a great deal about life in general. We have unified some in the ranks that seemed impossible when we first began this battle. We have made some extrodinary friends. This we could never ever express our gratitude for.
We have found solice in some places... Places to feel safe and secure. We want to share that this is one of those places... 
We still march..

The wounded were dragged off to the medic. Scared and silent they went. Standing silently in the background are the people who said they would help. There are others too, wondering why? Why such wounds? Why must this be?
There are no answers to why the war is fought. There have been many letters sent home and away to others. Did they read them? I wonder if they were even paying attention to the shots around them. It boggles the mind to no avail.
Tears were shed. Wounds were dressed. Many were silent as they tried their best to save them. Can they even be saved? There were words spoken that cut quick to the heart. They mumbled things that were hurtful, yet true. Yes. We did this too. We were the ones who were in this to begin with. 
The medics are being retaliated against. I don't understand. Why shoot at those who bear the sign of healing? Is it such a big fear that they somehow hold guns too? They must.. and they do....
The battle continues. The soldiers are back on the field. They are so weary.. yet they march on.

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