Sunday, April 2, 2017

Discussing Dissociation, Kathy Broady, and My Poem

To those who may read my blog: I wrote this as a sincere and heartfelt message to all who have been a part of my own personal journey to healing, and to many survivors still on the path to healing.
I began reading and following Kathy for quite a few years. I first found Discussing Dissociation at a time when i had lost a therapist. This was the first time I had experienced the extreme amount of pain.
I thought I must be really weird. After all, the loss was of my own choosing. It was incredibly painful.
I found Kathy. I specifically was reading the article
I enjoyed reading what she wrote. This helped me so much.
I didn't follow Kathy's blog a lot. It hasn't been very long since I have. I did start slowly and found many articles she wrote to be comforting and challenging.
When Kathy opened up consultations, I knew right away I wanted to talk to her. I hadn't gotten the chance when I first started reading her page. I wanted to. It never happened.
I read the opportunity to speak to Kathy. I have since talked to Kathy more than once on the phone. She has been a great asset. I am happy I made this decision.
Kathy made it very clear she was not to be the major player of my team. She is a constant and only there occasionally.  She is not to replace the local professionals that are TRULY my main support.
Thank you again, Kathy!
I want to say that I appreciate every person reading here. I appreciate all who have guided me.
I have felt this deep heartfelt connection to many along my path. In part, therapists have been a major benefit. I have also found a deep connection to many others along the way.
I put a lot of effort, thought, and effort into my poem. I feel very honored to have it posted on Kathy Broady's Discussing Disassociation.
Thank you so much for following my blog.

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